How Truss Roofing Can Save You Time and Money On Your Next Building Project

If you are searching for a “truss company near me,” the chances are that you have decided to employ roofing or flooring trusses in your next building design. This is a wise decision, as both roof and Floor Trusses for San Diego homes and businesses save tremendous amounts of time and money in new construction every year. With the help of truss roofing, you may be able to save significantly on the cost of your next building project.
Save Time, Save Money
One of the biggest ways that truss roofing saves you money on your building projects is by saving time. In traditional roofing, carpenters were required to stick build rafters in place. This meant measuring and cutting the wood, hauling it up to the roof, and then nailing the rafters into place one by one. This process requires a great deal of knowledge in order to cut the rafters to the right size and place them correctly on the roof. Once this is done, the roofing is applied over the rafter frame.
There are several problems with this traditional stick-built rafter method. First, it is often not as sturdy as a truss roof. Further, if the person building the roof does not understand weight loads and other engineering issues, your roof could wind up being less than sturdy. Finally, even if you have a well-trained carpenter building your roof, it takes a great deal of time to complete this type of work.
Fortunately, you have an alternative. Truss roofing solves most of the problems presented by stick-built rafter methods. Trusses are pre-fabricated to precise specifications, so you know you are getting a strong, sturdy product that will work for years to come. Additionally, trusses are capable of holding up heavy weight loads, making them more reliable in many cases than stick-built rafter applications. Finally, you can install trusses in a fraction of the time it takes to build rafters. This means that truss roofing ultimately saves you money on your building project, because time and labor are some of your most significant costs. In fact, it is possible that truss roofing could cut your costs in half when compared with the cost of a similar rafter-built roof.
If you are looking for quality roof trusses manufacturers in San Diego, Stone Truss can help. For decades, we have designed and produced high-quality, durable and dependable roofing and flooring trusses for our area, and have delivered them to our customers on their job sites. By partnering with builders and engineers in our region, we have built a reputation for excellence. Our professionals can help you choose the right truss system for your application, and can build to your specific needs. We can then drop your trusses at your job site when you are ready for them, eliminating the need for long-term storage. Give us a call today to see how we can help you with your next building project!